Friday, September 22, 2006

And Life Goes On....

Well, it's been a while since I posted, but as my title says, life goes on. With school and extra activities in full swing, there always seems to be so much to do. School is going fine -- we seem to settling into a routine and everything is going well. I am doing "Five in a Row" curriculum with Will which has been a breath of fresh air for me. With this curriculum, you have a book that you study for a week or two. Every day, you read that book and then do a lesson about something from the book -- maybe science, social studies, language arts, art, etc. It has given us some good snuggle time on the couch reading some great books. And with a 7 year old boy who is always on the go and thinks he is getting too big for much snuggling, I have enjoyed the snuggle time. Will is also taking a music class which has been good for him.

Tonight, mom had her "stamp and play" stamping party. It was fun as usual. I love going and being able to make a few cards to use throughout the month. A lot of months, that is the only time that I get to stamp.

Hannah had her middle school social tonight (this is a time for middle schoolers from all over Chattanooga to get together, play games, eat pizza, etc.) They had a great time. There were over 30 homeschooled kids there. I am so thankful to be able to be in an area where there is so much support for homeschooling and such a great homeschool community.

Well, that is all for now. I am so enjoying the cooler fall weather and I hope you are too!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I am so ready for fall! And i am enjoying it so much! I have so much fun at the socials!

Love You,