Friday, March 07, 2008

Will's cuteness

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketLast Sunday, Will received a new Bible at chuch. For many, many years (since I was a child), our church has had the tradition of giving a new Bible to any child who can say all of the books of the Bible. Well, last Sunday, Will received his. I was having the typical mother of the third child guilt. The girls had been SO much younger when they learned their books of the Bible and received their Bible -- like age 4 and now Will is 8. However, we kept with it until he had learned them all. So, last Sunday during church, he got to get his brand new Bible. He was SO proud and excited! I was very proud of him as well. Well, as soon as he sat back down, he opened up to Genesis 1 and started reading. He read the whole first chapter during church. Well, for anyone who knows us, you know how much of a struggle reading has been for Will. Now, at 8 1/2, it is finally beginning to click. I have seen great improvement in just the last few weeks. So, needless to say, I was very excited to see that he was reading his Bible! During church, he leaned over to me and said with a big smile, "I never knew that I like reading so much! This Bible just might change my life!" My mother's heart was truly touched and I said a prayer right there that his life would be changed by the most important Book of all!

(He is now on Ch. 7 of Genesis :-))


Anonymous said...

That is so great!! i am so proud of him!

Taylor said...

Hey stephanie.....check out my blog!!