Wednesday, September 05, 2007


School is going really well and we are settling into a little bit of a pattern or schedule. This week will be a shorter school week because of Labor Day. We enjoyed Billy being off from work and we went over to Mom and Dad's house and spent the day. We had a very nice, relaxing time. The kids played on the trampoline almost all day. Kristen is still sore because she jumped for so long :-). Hannah has a sprained ankle from tripping at our homeschool co-op last Friday so she didn't get to play on the trampoline. She was doing better, but I think she was on it to much yesterday and so today it is a little more sore today. It is hard to keep her down. She is not one who enjoys just sitting around. She has been reading a lot to help keep busy.

Hannah has also started selling healthy, whole wheat muffins and bread. She is trying to build up her small business. She has always enjoyed cooking and is a great help in the kitchen!

Last week, Will caught a turtle in our woods. He has had a good time watching it, feeding it, etc. But, today, I decided that it was time to let it go. He was sadj, but I think he will be ok :-). It was kind of neat to watch the turtle slowly make its way back down the hill towards the woods. We did find out that he liked mushrooms better than anything else we fed it.

Billy was very excited for football season to be starting last weekend. On Friday, he said that he felt like a kid on the night before Christmas. He is so funny! Saturday, we had a relaxing day watching football. I'm glad that I enjoy football season too :-)!

Tomorrow is grocery store and errand day and then we will have a full weekend. Hopefully, I will be able to post some Labor Day pictures soon.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Ahhhh, i am so ready for my foot to be back to normal!!