Thursday, August 30, 2007

Romans 13:14

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Yesterday morning, as I was reading my Bible, I read the following verse --

Rom 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

I began to think about what my lusts of my flesh are. What are the lusts of your flesh? So often, people associate the "lusts of the flesh" as being smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. And while some people may struggle with these lusts, not everyone does. Personally, I don't struggle with these issues, but believe me, I still struggle with lusts of my flesh. My lusts are just as wrong and just as selfish. I struggle with wanting more time for "ME" (even though I never find that in scripture). I struggle with not wanting school to take so much time -- so I can have more time for myself. I struggle with wanting some time to sit and drink coffee and read a book. I struggle with lots of selfish thoughts. They are all lusts of my flesh. I will always battle my flesh for as long as I am in my flesh. But, I can become a servant of righteousness through Christ's life and power in me. That is my prayer today!

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