Sunday, May 14, 2006

My Mom

Reasons I am thankful for my mom:

1. She taught me by her life, her example, and her words the importance of the Word of God. My mom always stressed to me how important it was to have a personal time with the Word of God every day. She taught me to live by the principles of the Word of God even when it wasn't what I wanted to do. She taught me to make decisions based on the Word of God, not what was popular. She not only told me these things, but she modeled them for me.

2. She taught me the importance of standing for the Word of God rightly divided even when it wasn't the easy thing to do or wasn't the popular thing to do.

3. She continually had me in church and other places where I heard the gospel preached (like Bible conferences and Bible camp) so that when I was 19 yrs. old, I trusted Jesus Christ for my own salvation!

4. She showed me the joy in being a stay-at-home mom. She taught me that you can enjoy your children and your role as a mother.

5. She taught me commitment to marriage. Even when things were not easy and rosey between my mom and dad, they stayed in the marriage. We were taught that marriage is forever and divorce is not an option. I owe my marriage to the fact that they modeled and instilled in me commitment.

6. My mom always was and still is my biggest cheerleader. It didn't matter if it was a big event in my life or just an everyday matter, mom was there to cheer me on and to encourage me to do my best.

7. My mom continues to be an example to me of what I want to be as an "older" woman. She continues to be a great example, teacher, and most of all a great "MAMMAW".


1 comment:

no_average_girl said...

those are awesome, girl! isn't it amazing how people instill things in us they don't have to say - they just show us how to do it? i know i've watched my mother do things much more than listened to what she a saying i heard that goes something like, "i can't hear you because your actions are screaming so loud!"