Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bible Conference

What a great weekend we had!! Our Bible Conference was this weekend at our church. It was a wonderful weekend of preaching, singing, and fellowship. We had a great crowd, and it was wonderful to be able to serve those who came from out of town. Beth and I taught the 4-7 yr. olds (thanks Beth for all of your help :-)!!). We had about 15 for most of the weekend. They were a great bunch of kids, but they did get tired! We had services Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening and Sunday morning. On Saturday afternoon, we had about an hour of special music before supper. I really enjoyed that. Tim and Kim coordinated all of the food and they did a great job. The food was great (Will said that was his favorite part of the conf.)!! It is so wonderful to have a family that is all saved and serves the Lord together (each in our own way). We also enjoyed being able to visit with some of our friends that we don't get to see often enough. The kids had out-of-town friends to spend the night all weekend. So, while we are physically worn out, we are refreshed and so thankful for all of the spiritual feeding that we received this weekend.


no_average_girl said...

Those are some cute pictures!

I'm glad to hear things went well for you at the Bible conference! And food is always a great thing! haha

Hannah said...

Hey Mom,
Just wanted to say hi! The bible conf was AWSOME!! I know Becca Loved it! lol
Love Ya