Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our Homes

I read this today in the book, "Beautiful in God's Eyes" by Elizabeth George. Enjoy!

"I know it may not seem very inviting or sound very exciting, but your home is definitely the place most worthy of your diligent watching. In fact, home is the most important place in the world for you to be spending your time and investing your energy. Why do I say that? Because the work you do in "a little place" like home is eternal work, meaningful work, important work -- when you realize that the work you do in your home is your supreme service to God! I invite you to enjoy the beauty of serving in a little place, a little home."

A Little Place
"Where shall I work today, dear Lord?"
And my love flowed warm and free.
He answered and said,
"See that little place?
Tend that place for Me."
I answered and said, "Oh no, not there!
No one would ever see.
No matter how well my work was done,
Not that place for me!"
His voice, when He spoke, was soft and kind,
He answered me tenderly,
"Little one, search that heart of thine,
Are you working for them or ME?
Nazareth was a little place....
so was Galilee."

1 comment:

Autumn said...


I needed that today. The Lord must have know that I did and it was such an encouragement. I have so much to do today and would like to just crawl back into bed and read a good book. Thanks for the pep talk.

:0) See you on Friday.
