Sunday, July 29, 2007

Summer Update

I thought it would be fun to post a summer update. I always enjoy summertime and the change of schedule that it brings. We started off the summer with chicken pox. Kristen had it first and we have no idea where she caught it. Then next Hannah had it, and Will never did get it. Both of the girls had a pretty good case and some scars to prove it :-)

Will played baseball this year and then played all-stars. He LOVED it!The all-star season was only one month long so that was good. He really learned a lot and improved a lot over that month. I guess when you play every day, that happens. Will's birthday is this week and he is having a baseball themed party. He is very excited!

While Will was finishing up all-stars, the girls went to Pennsylvania with Pappaw and Mammaw and Taylor and Conner. They went to the Bible Conference in Altoona, PA and also did some sight-seeing on the way. I was so thankful that they were able to go to this Bible Conf. They had a great time and learned a lot too!

After the girls returned from Pennsylvania, we had our week of Bible school. It was a great week! Our theme for the Bible Conference was the "Power and Authority of the KJV". As always, our friends from North Carolina, the Sipes, let their children, Abby and Luke come spend the week with us. Abby is Kristen's age and Luke is Will's age. Hannah's friend Kelsey also stayed with us for the week. We had a very full house :-), but had a great time!

This is Kristen and Abby with their American Girl dolls.

Hannah and Kelsey

Since Bible school, we have been relaxing, going to the pool, and the girls continue to do interpretive dance/sign language with their cousins for a group called Praise in Motion. They really enjoy doing this and even taught the kids at Bible school a song to perform the last night for our program.

These are some pictures from a performance this past Saturday.

Hannah and Will in the car

Some of the performance


Hannah said...

Woah, mom is on her blog!! YAY!!! I have had a awesome summer, but wish it was a little longer!!! :-D

Hannah said...

Woah, mom is on her blog!! YAY!!! I have had a awesome summer, but wish it was a little longer!!! :-D

Hannah said...

Chicken Pox... ahhh... i will always remember this summer!!! ;-)