Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bible School and trip to North Carolina

Wow! It's been a long time since I posted. We had our Vacation Bible School last week, so we've been quite busy. We had Abby and Luke here (our friends from North Carolina) so that kept us busy too. The kids had a great time. Our theme was the "Arctic Edge: Where Adventure Meets Courage". I thought there were some really good lessons this year. I will be posting later on about what I learned!

We took Abby and Luke home on Saturday and spent the night there. We had a great visit. We took the kids swimming that evening after dinner, and then we adults sat up really late playing cards so we were all a little sleepy on Sunday morning :-). On Sunday, we went to church with them and then went over to some other friends house for dinner. They live in the beautiful mountains of Asheville and have several horses. Kristen was thrilled to get to ride and Hannah even enjoyed it too. I think they ended up riding for almost 3 hours. They were both a little sore the next day :-). We ended up getting home late Sunday night, but we had a nice weekend visiting with some great friends!

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