Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gifts 4-6

Remember the "gifts" are in no particular order!!!

4. Hannah -- a wonderful oldest daughter who loves to act, who I can take to play practice, and who is even more beautiful inside than out.

5. A beautiful, warm, fall day, a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte (made just the way I like it and those who know me, know how I like it :-) ), and a good book to read during play practice.

6. A Church that teaches salvation by grace and the King James Bible rightly divided, where I can gather together with other believers and be fed with the Word of God.


Anonymous said...

Hey there!
It's very nice to "meet" you - thanks so much for commenting on my blog the other day. What a cute little blog you have here! And what a beautiful daughter in the post today...

I love your 1,000 gifts list - isn't it a good way to remember the good things? Be sure to visit Ann's blog - she is the originator, I think - and you will absolutely love her. Her link is on my sidebar, easy to find.

Hope you have a lovely week -
thanks again,

Hannah said...

HAHA We know how you like it.